Miss Emily's Kids' Turkey Trot

November 22, 2024
1K, 5K, 7K, Others

Race Description

The Miss Emily's Kids' Turkey Trot is set to take place in Dumas, Texas, from November 22 to November 24, 2024. This family-friendly event features a variety of races, including a competitive 10k, a 5k for both competitive and non-competitive runners, and a fun run/walk of 1 mile. Children under 10 years old can also participate in the Gobbler's Dash, a fun 200-yard dash filled with goodies and cheers.

Participants in the event will receive a t-shirt and pin for their efforts, with medals awarded to the top 8 finishers in each age category. Additionally, prizes will be given to the top two runners in every category, as well as to the most spirited participant. The proceeds from this event will benefit Miss Emily's Kids Inc Childcare Center, helping to fund their winter events and necessary repairs to the facility.

Race Location