Fort4Fitness Rocket Run

September 27, 2024
1K, Others

Race Description

The Fort4Fitness Rocket Run is set to take place on September 27, 2024, in Fort Wayne, Indiana. This inclusive event invites participants of all ages and abilities to walk or run a one-mile course that starts outside Parkview Field and concludes at home plate, where finishers will receive a medal. Registration is currently open for this fun, non-timed race, which aims to promote community involvement.

This year marks a change for the Rocket Run, as it opens participation to everyone, regardless of membership in the Kit's Club or Silver Fox Club, the groups traditionally associated with the event. All registered participants who sign up before September 1, 2024, will receive a commemorative t-shirt, while late registrants may not be guaranteed a shirt. For more details, participants can visit the official event website.

Race Location